Red Light Therapy for Muscle Recovery: How and Why?

What Helps Muscles Recover Faster?
When you exercise, two things contribute to muscle fatigue: the creation of small tears in muscle tissue, a normal part of muscle growth, when muscles break down a bit and fuse their fibers with the help of other cells.
These tears need to heal before your next workout to prevent muscle injuries and an increase in serum lactate in your blood. Serum lactate is a byproduct of metabolic processes in your muscles during exercise. If your muscles can eliminate lactate at the same rate it’s produced, you’re on the right track. However, when lactate accumulates, it causes muscle fatigue.
To address muscle fatigue, anything that accelerates the healing of muscle tears and removes lactate from your body is beneficial. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends several methods, including:
- Massage
- Compression
- Cryotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Sleep
In addition to these methods, red light therapy for muscle recovery stands out as it not only helps eliminate muscle fatigue on its own but also enhances the effects of other recovery methods mentioned above.
How Does Red Light Therapy Aid in Muscle Recovery?
Red light and near-infrared therapy assist in both the healing process of muscle tears caused by exercise and the elimination of lactate from your body. When using a device that provides the appropriate dose of red light therapy, such as our BioluxPro. Muscle tears heal because your body sends stem cells to repair muscle fibers. Red light therapy accelerates the response time of these cells, meaning they reach their destination faster, promoting quicker healing.
Regarding lactate in your body, red light helps metabolize it, alleviating muscle fatigue. Red light and near-infrared therapy increase blood flow and lymphatic system activity, making them work more efficiently. These two systems are crucial for eliminating toxins from the body.
Apart from these direct effects on muscle recovery, BioluxPro offers additional benefits. The red light device will help you improve your sleep, which is necessary for many processes in your body and essential for muscle regeneration. Can BioluxPro Help Relieve Pain?
BioluxPro is a highly efficient non-pharmacological method for managing post-exercise pain. Red light therapy also enhances exercise outcomes, significantly improving strength and endurance. For overall health and well-being, red light therapy seems to make everything better and more efficient.
How to Use a Red Light Therapy Device for Muscle Recovery?
Usage depends on the specific red light therapy device you’re using, as devices may differ in energy density, light output, fluence, and other specific details. Therefore, it’s essential to read the instructions and ensure proper use of the BioluxPro device to achieve the expected results.
What Sets BioluxPro Apart?
BioluxPro is easy to use before and after exercise, even under clothing, allowing you to multitask. You can use it during stretching, significantly improving results.
If you need to recover from specific exercises like weightlifting or running, you can apply BioluxPro directly to the muscle that needs faster recovery.
The best way to enhance muscle recovery and athletic performance is to apply BioluxPro before and after your workout. This approach yields the best results.
Using BioluxPro on rest days further maximizes the efficiency of your rest.
BioluxPro is a red light therapy device that significantly aids in your workout. Red and near-infrared light therapy has been proven to improve exercise results, aid in injury healing, and even promote fat loss.
However, this is just one aspect of the incredible things that red light and near-infrared therapy can do for you. According to a joint statement from the European College of Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine, a successful workout consists of two essential components:
Muscle overload and adequate recovery.
Without maintaining a balance between training and recovery, there’s a risk of entering a state of non-functional overreaching, where hard work doesn’t yield the expected results.
Is Muscle Recovery as Important as Exercising?
Yes. Adjusting Your Training Routine for Faster Muscle Recovery:
+ Regular Red Light Sessions:
One way your body tells you to stop exercising and allow it to recover is through muscle soreness. When you exercise, your body uses glucose as fuel, breaking it down to obtain more energy. When oxygen levels decrease due to exercise, your body detects this and to prevent you from overexerting yourself, it starts producing lactic acid, allowing for greater glucose breakdown. However, lactate accumulates rapidly, slowing down your body and forcing you to rest. This is where red light therapy plays an invaluable role. Your body signals the need for recovery through muscle pain. Applying red light at 850 nm, as offered by BioluxPro, helps your body eliminate serum lactate, aiding faster recovery.
+ Stimulate the Lymphatic System:
Since the lymphatic system lacks a “heart” like the cardiovascular system, massaging helps in lymphatic drainage. Boosting lymphatic flow helps your muscles recover faster by removing accumulated lactic acid and BioluxPro.
+ Magnesium Supplements
Studies suggest that magnesium enhances exercise performance, and athletes showed better results after magnesium supplementation. Magnesium facilitates the availability of glucose in muscles and blood.
+ Adequate Hydration
Proper hydration is essential for muscle recovery, creating ideal conditions for muscle fibers to repair and strengthen after exercise-induced microtears. Water is essential for protein synthesis, which is how muscle tissue repairs damage and builds larger, stronger muscle mass.
Dehydration slows down this process and hinders recovery from exercise.
+ Stretching
What does stretching mean? BioluxPro usage during stretching yields positive effects during and after the process.
Passive or active, Dynamic or static, Acute or chronic.
Stretching can be classified as passive or active, dynamic or static, and acute or chronic.
+ Consumption of Anthocyanin-Rich Foods
Consuming foods rich in anthocyanins before and after intense exercise accelerates muscle recovery, helping restore full function and reduce pain.
+ Incorporate Healthy Fats into Your Diet
Essential fatty acids (EFAs), like Omega-3 and Omega-6, play crucial roles in various processes involved in muscle recovery.
These fats ensure your body can carry out all necessary processes for muscle recovery.
+ Proper Breathing Techniques
After pushing your body to the limit during exercise, knowing how to return your body to an optimal rest and relaxation state is essential for initiating the necessary processes for muscle recovery and strengthening.
+ Contrast Showers
Alternating between hot and cold water increases blood flow, turning your blood vessels into a kind of pump that eliminates serum lactate.
The contrast creates a pumping effect, eliminating lactic acid and other exercise-induced toxins. Another well-known biohacker, Andreas Breitfeld, follows Wim Hof’s method and adds a step by combining cold water baths with red light therapy. According to his experience, this dramatically increases the effects of both routines.
+ High-Quality Sleep
While red light therapy accelerates muscle recovery after exercise, during sleep is when your muscles truly grow. While exercising, muscle fibers create small tears that heal while you rest, and this is how your muscles grow. Therefore, if you don’t get enough sleep, your muscles won’t have the opportunity to repair themselves in time, and you’ll do more harm than good. Adequate sleep is essential for the regeneration of muscle tissue, making high-quality sleep one of the most crucial elements of healthy exercise.
Meditation, yoga, or melatonin are some ways to combat poor sleep patterns. Additionally, red light therapy helps improve sleep, enhancing the effects of other recovery methods.
Discover more benefits of red light therapy and why BioluxPro is a smart choice.